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May 2021

My Story

     My life transformation began October 19, 2020, when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease (very close to stage Stage 4) - all in the same meeting with my doctor. The only thing I knew about these diseases is that they were really bad, and it felt like I had just been handed a death sentence. 


     I had an A1C of almost 12 - more than double what it should be. My eGFR (the number that determines how well your kidneys are functioning) was 38 - only 9 points from Stage 4 CKD. That number should be 60 or higher. 

May 2020

     For about six months prior to this news I had been dealing with severe symptoms of T2D. Severe fatigue, sudden drops in blood pressure, extremely frequent urination, achy muscles. But what frightened me the most is what was happening with my vision. I would have sudden spells of "white out" conditions, like I was looking into a bright white kaleidoscope, which would last up to twenty minutes. Being an artist and photographer, this particular symptom knocked me out of my denial and got me to the doctor. 


    In addition to the Diabetes and CKD, I was dealing with high blood pressure, acid reflux, gout, high cholesterol, and fatty liver. I was taking six medications, weighed 260 lbs. with about 45% body fat. Wore 44" pants and XXL shirts. In my earlier years I was a very active photographer, hiking into very difficult places with 30 lbs. of camera gear, but about 8 years prior to this period of my life my health had deteriorated so much that I pretty much gave up my passion to photograph the wild. 


     When the reality of my health condition sunk in I realized I only had two options: Live a short miserable life, eventually wired to a dialysis machine - or try to turn my health around. 


     But as I educated my self on these diseases the news was quite daunting. Everything I read, and the answers from doctors, was, that while T2 diabetes can sometimes be reversed, kidney damage cannot. Once you are at stage 3 and beyond, the damage is irreparable. But something inside me seemed rear up and simply not accept that. Maybe it was a form of denial, but I just refused to believe I couldn't turn this thing around. 


     Thus began a journey for me, unlike any other I've ever experienced in my life. I spent hours upon hours learning about how to enable the body to heal itself through nutrition, healthy food, and fitness. I learned that my CKD most likely resulted from the T2 diabetes - so to heal my kidneys I had to get the diabetes under control, with hopes of completely reversing it. My first step was to making my health a high priority. I made a conscious decision that I was not going on a diet - I was transforming my lifestyle. 


     About six months after I made the decision to change my life I had not only lowered my A1C to a non-diabetic level, but my eGFR raised from 38 to 77. Three months later that number rose to 85, and most recently my eGFR was 90. This meant that my kidneys were very healthy, and also that I had done something that supposedly cannot be done. 


     I will not in any way suggest this transformation was easy. It was the hardest and toughest - yet, the most rewarding thing I've ever done for myself in my life. I had lost 60 lbs. and my body fat lowered from about 45% to 18%. I was taking six different medications - three of those were just for high blood pressure. Now the only medication I take is half of one of the blood pressure pills. 


     This transformation has completely changed my life. Yes,, it's very nice wearing smaller size clothes and feeling better about my appearance. But the biggest transformation has been restoring my passion and ability to get back out into the wild to photograph and explore, doing things physically that I could not do before - such as competing in my first CrossFit Open, participating in fitness programs that I couldn't do even at half my age. 


     I believe I have been given a second chance - not just to live - but to thrive. Because of this experience I've come to hold myself accountable to the responsibility I now have to help others transform their own health and lives. This new passion led me to become a Certified Health & Life Coach through the Health Coach Institute


     Perhaps you are struggling with chronic health issues - such as type 2 Diabetes, CKD, high blood pressure, hypertension, or just can't get stress under control. While there are certainly some exceptions, I firmly believe that in most cases these conditions can be reversed and managed through a healthy mindset, nutrition, and exercise. By nutrition and exercise I do not mean depriving yourself of your favorite foods and killing yourself in the gym. It's about eating smarter, movement, and a new belief system that reinforces that you are worthy of having what you want. 


    If that speaks to you I would encourage you to contact me. I provide a 45 to 60 minute, no-cost no-obligation coaching session, where we will explore where you are now, where you want to be, and how we, together, can get you there. 



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